Royzenman Felix Moiseevich, Doctor of Geology, full member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), author of 5 scientific discoveries: in the field of philosophy, ecology and geology.
The active globalization development resulted in the occurrence of transnational companies beyond the control of national governments. Hence, 147 transnational companies possess 40% of the world’s wealth today. As is established by the author, the initiated financial crisis is the prologue to the fundamental human crisis related to one more change of socioeconomic formations which will occur in 2015-2025. If, as previously, the change of formations will be spontaneous, then it can result in bloody revolution followed in our atomic century by the death of human civilization. To avoid such scenario, the model of new society and model construction strategies are offered.
KEYWORDS: development acceleration, system crisis, socioeconomic formation, future formation model, formation construction strategy.