Bashta Alexander Ivanovich, Doctor of Economics, director of the Scientific and educational center of noospherology and sustainable noospheric development, professor of chair of public administration of Taurian academy of the Crimean federal university named after V.I. Vernadsky
Buryak Victor Vladimirovich, Candidate of Philosophy, senior research associate of department of noospherology of the Scientific and educational center of noospherology and sustainable noospheric development, associate professor of philosophy, professor of UNESCO chair at Taurian academy of the Crimean federal university named after V.I. Vernadsky
Smirnov Victor Olegovich, Candidate of Geography, scientific secretary of the Scientific and educational center of noospherology and sustainable noospheric development, senior lecturer of department of geoecology of Taurian academy of the Crimean federal university named after V.I. Vernadsky
Shostka Vladimir Ivanovich, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, docent of general physics department of Taurian academy of the Crimean federal university named after V.I. Vernadsky
Shostka Natalia Vladimirovna, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, senior researcher of Scientific-research part of the Crimean federal university named after V.I. Vernadsky
The paper discusses the features of modern education in the light of scientific and educational paradigms Vernadsky. The principles set out their public education organization. The problems associated with the formation of academic science that are relevant and priority in reforming the modern university education.
KEYWORDS: education, noosphere education, research and educational paradigm, interdisciplinary.