Bolshakov Boris Evgenievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, full member of RANS, head of Sustainable Innovative Development Department of “Dubna” University, co-head of International Scientific School of Sustainable Development n.a. P.G. Kuznetsov
The structure of the qualities of the genome of the universe and the law of life can be represented by relying on the system of LT-dimensions by G.B. Brown – R.O. Bartini – P.G. Kuznetsov, which is the fundamental basis of the noospheric LT-language and developed by us in the science of designing the cosmic future of the cosmo-planetary Life. All the general laws of Nature can be described using the LT-language. Being written in the LT-language, these laws provide a rich scientific basis for the noospheric LT-technologies, designed to supply a breakthrough into the noosphere-cosmic future.
KEYWORDS: rhythmocyclic development of life, transition to the noosphere, design of the future..