Protopopov Alexander Ivanovich, individual entrepreneur in the field of production, trade, medical and educational services, member of the International Scientific School of Sustainable Development named after P.G. Kuznetsov
Modern humanity is at the point of bifurcation, from which it will either step into the noosphere or self-destruct. At the same time, there is no discussion on the noosphere topic in the public information space. At best, as was the case at the 25th St. Petersburg Economic Forum, we are seeing vague attempts to shape the image of Russia’s economic future, but no one is trying to present our Fatherland as part of the biosphere, in which intelligent human activity becomes the main factor in development, at all.
At the same time, domestic science has an absolute priority in this area of scientific knowledge.
In the fall of 2021, the Russian Space Society published the first part of A.I. Protopopov’s work. “Deedocracy: the power for benefit”, where the author, based on the ideas of Russian cosmism, presented in a popular form the universal laws of the universe that determine the existence and evolution of the real world and demonstrated their action within social systems.
The author presented a universal indicator of the state of social systems and the parameters that determine the values of this indicator, and also demonstrated the values of the parameters of social systems that determine the entry of mankind into the noosphere.
This abstract is a review of the main ideas of the monograph “Deedocracy: the power for benefit”.
KEYWORDS: deedocracy, organization of production, management, laws of development of social systems.